Junior Registrations

Player Details – All players under the age of 18 must complete this form if they wish to register with Llandaff CC.

Every Child must register annually. Please select new registration when paying for Winter Indoor Training

Winter Indoor Training £40 – January – March

(To be paid by end of Jan)

Summer Outdoor Training £40 – May to July
(To be paid by end of May)

For sibling discount codes, please contact Sohail or Adnan

First Child £60 Registration and training Fee

Second Child £40 Registration and Training Fee

Third Child £40 Registration and Training Fee


Child's Details

Please choose at least one!

Please choose at least one!

Parent's Contact Details

Health Information

Playing / Training Consent

Please choose at least one!

Photography Consent

Please choose at least one!

Matches - Runs from May to July

Please choose at least one!

Willing to help at Llandaff Cricket Club

Player's Signature